Monthly Archives: January 2016

K’kree Project Cancelled; Rimward Projects Intensified

There’s a change in plans for Explorerbase – as Jim Kundert has been designated to create the sector data for the Two Thousand Worlds, no more K’kree “mostly-dotmap” sectors will be published here (and the Ruupiin data already posted has become redundant).

The flipside of this is that the time I was spending on the K’kree sectors can now be rerouted to other sector data, so sector data for the Orion OB1 Association and Rim Reach Sector will arrive to Explorerbase sooner than it otherwise would. Other sectors which I may work on in the near future include Driasera Sector and Kring Noor Sector.

Ruupiin Sector Data! (Mostly-Dotmap)

The first new sector data of this version of Explorerbase is up: Ruupiin! The data is “mostly-dotmap”: important worlds are detailed, the rest are placeholders.

This brings us to the topic of what other sector data will be coming to Explorerbase in the near future. Data published in the near future will probably be one of two types:

  • Mostly-DotmapTM data for K’kree sectors
  • Normal data for Orion OB1 Association sectors, though this will probably be published a few subsectors at a time rather than whole sectors, at least at first.

I’ve also been working on normal data for the sector Rim Reach, but this will probably take a bit longer to finish.

The Return of Explorerbase

Explorerbase was first located at, but was eventually removed due to changes in Wikispaces’ terms of service. Now, it will return to life here!

The first order of business will obviously be returning to the Internet the data that was previously stored at Explorerbase.